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Modern Reproduction Modern Reproduction

PGT-A: Does testing a few cells tell us what is going on for the whole embryo?

Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy is a type of genetic test for embryos. It is used as a guide in order to determine which embryo to transfer first, if someone has more than one available after their in vitro fertilization process. It is not considered a diagnostic test, and there are limitations to what it can tell us. One limitation is that the test is performed on cells of the embryo that will become the future placenta but not the future baby. Often the genetics of the placenta and baby are going to be the same, but there are times where that is not the case. It is difficult to predict when those times are occurring. In this post, we will go into more detail about the test and the general overview of the types of results that are possible.

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