Welcome to the blog. The below are posts to discuss the relative topics in reproduction.

Modern Reproduction Modern Reproduction

Why is PGT-M different from other genetic tests?

Please check out the previous blog posts, handouts, and informational pages discuss what PGT-M and the process of pursuing this testing. This post will dive right into what makes PGT-M different from other genetic tests.

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Modern Reproduction Modern Reproduction

What should I expect with PGT-M?

Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic conditions (PGT-M) is a process which includes in vitro fertilization (IVF). PGT-M is unlike other genetic assessments because each PGT-M test is designed specifically for a family's genetics. The process can take many weeks and appointments, so it can be helpful to start the discussion for PGT-M as soon as possible.

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Modern Reproduction Modern Reproduction

My PGT-M case was declined

Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic conditions (PGT-M) is a genetic test that can be performed on embryos. It is specifically designed to identify hereditary conditions with an increased likelihood of being passed on to children. Despite significant scientific advancements, one might assume that PGT-M, which has been available for over a decade, would have all the answers. However, there are instances where PGT-M cannot be utilized for certain families. In this blog post, we will explore these situations and delve into the reasons why PGT-M is not universally accessible.

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